Friday, May 1, 2015

   Today, I interview my friend from school. I will post the recording soon, but let me just summarize the results. 
   I asked her numerous questions regarding my topic. In conclusion, she admitted that what she thought was beautiful was nothing like what she thinks other people think is beautiful. 
She told us that while she thought people liked very thin, blonde, model looking girls, she thought muscular, dark haired, natural girls were more beautiful. 
Personally, I think that everybody thinks this way. That everybody has different opinions. 
   To be honest, my friend said that she never felt any insecurities. I find that very hard to believe, although I do believe she is very confident. She has every right to be. 

Monday, April 13, 2015
• Only 4% of women around the world consider themselves beautiful (up from 2% in 2004)
• Only 11% of girls globally are comfortable using the word beautiful to describe themselves
• 72% of girls feel tremendous pressure to be beautiful
• 80% of women agree that every woman has something about her that is beautiful but do not see their own beauty
• More than half (54%) of women globally agree that when it comes to how they look, they are their own worst beauty critic

   According to Dove's research, only 4% of women believe they are beautiful and 72% of women feel like they have to be what society believes is beautiful. Now, I still don't know what that exactly is. I am currently working on a survey that will give me the most true result I can possibly get.
  For the survey, I'm not sure if I want to do it using technology, or asking people myself. I'm pretty sure that doing it myself will be difficult, but it has it has its advantages. Such as:
- if I don't make it seem like a survey, people will give me better answers.
- I can record reactions.
- I can make sure that I get the entire school.

But in using technology.. it would be so much easier and accurate to get the actual percentages.
Maybe there's a way I can do both? 
  I am planning to use pictures of entire women instead of questions of specific details. This idea was given to me by my principal.
 Originally, I was going to ask people to choose specific details they find beautiful that way I could make the perfect image of what people thought beautiful was, and present on how that was wrong. When I told my principal my idea, she told me that instead of telling people they were wrong, tell them that what people think is that actually, beautiful is equal and that in reality, nobody thought that one thing was beautiful. She told me that nobody likes being told that they are wrong, but everybody loves feeling better about themselves. So, special thanks to my principal for helping me shape my project!! :)

Friday, April 10, 2015

As I mentioned in the last post, I will be asking children 4-10 what they thing and post it on here. Would you guys want all video responses, or written response? I was thinking of doing both. I will be using a few in my presentation as well, but only one video in the presentation. Let me know.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

We all want to change ourselves so we can be what we think everybody believes is beautiful.

   Above, we see what every girl thinks she has to look like (or dress like). For my genius hour, I want to find out what people really think. I got this idea when I was over at my best friends house about two weekends ago. While I was over, her five year old little sister was playing with my hair. While she was playing with my hair, her face began to get long. I asked her what was wrong, because she loved playing with hair so I thought it was odd. She replied with, "I wish I had your straight hair. I hate mine, it's ugly. I want to be pretty like a barbie with blonde hair. I don't want to be black." She is FIVE YEARS OLD. It tears me apart that as a five year old, she already felt like this about herself.
  Girls all over the world think they have to be thin; but with curves in the right places, blonde hair, light skin, and colored eyes. Is it true?
  I don't think so. For my research, I will show the students of my high school pictures of several girls and let them pick which they find "beautiful". I will then ask children from the ages 4-10 what they think, and Inwill post my responses here. I believe that the results will be equal. What do you think?