Tuesday, April 7, 2015

We all want to change ourselves so we can be what we think everybody believes is beautiful.

   Above, we see what every girl thinks she has to look like (or dress like). For my genius hour, I want to find out what people really think. I got this idea when I was over at my best friends house about two weekends ago. While I was over, her five year old little sister was playing with my hair. While she was playing with my hair, her face began to get long. I asked her what was wrong, because she loved playing with hair so I thought it was odd. She replied with, "I wish I had your straight hair. I hate mine, it's ugly. I want to be pretty like a barbie with blonde hair. I don't want to be black." She is FIVE YEARS OLD. It tears me apart that as a five year old, she already felt like this about herself.
  Girls all over the world think they have to be thin; but with curves in the right places, blonde hair, light skin, and colored eyes. Is it true?
  I don't think so. For my research, I will show the students of my high school pictures of several girls and let them pick which they find "beautiful". I will then ask children from the ages 4-10 what they think, and Inwill post my responses here. I believe that the results will be equal. What do you think?


  1. I'm excited for what people say what beauty is~ Nice topic pick.

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  3. Your topic sounds interesting. I'm excited to see what you do while you explore the answers to your driving question. I'm not sure if this will help your research at all but my mother always made sure that any doll she bought for me during my childhood had the same skin color as me in fear that I would grow up thinking only Barbies could be beautiful.

    1. Thank you! I hope that the both of us can learn a lot on this journey together. & yes, thank you for that information, that would be great to include in my presentation!

  4. I LOVE THIS TOPIC! I can't wait to hear more about your research!

  5. This might b weird with a guy commenting , but i think it is amazing because I really hate when people are flawless and they point out everything they think is wrong with them. The one thing i struggle with is wanting to be like everyone else except me. So this is really cool

  6. This is a cool and interesting idea. I think it will show a different perspective for everybody, for themselves. I can't wait to hear what you have learned.

  7. I think that's a great experience as a girl to have, and really see what people think beautiful looks like, especially the younger kids' opinion. That's really cool.

  8. I think this will be very interesting. It seems a lot of the time beauty is based off of what others see and think is "beautiful", but a lot of the time other people don't find this beautiful.

  9. I hate that this topic has to be explored, but I love that you're exploring it. It's a good one. And a bad one. You know what I mean, right?? :) I think this will be a super interesting presentation. I want to commend you, also, for responding to the people commenting on your blog!

    1. I do know what you mean, and I completely agree. Thank you Mrs. H (:

  10. Great topic Zoe! You are addressing a big issue in our society (especially in the generation to come) Kutoos to you for being BOLD about your topic!!

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  12. I am really excited about this blog. WAYYYY too many girls think that they are less than what they are. Most girls including guys don't fully understand how much time God put into making them the way they are... beautiful and handsome. SUPER EXCITED to see your results!
